Self-Check Questions (ungraded)

Discrete pdf

Aidong Adam Ding
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Find probability

The random variable X has the pdf:

f(x)=0.3 for x=1,4 and f(x)=0.2 for x=2,3.

That is, the pdf is represented in the following table.

x 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
f(x) 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.30
  1. Please calculate P(X>2.1)

Find all cases of X>2.1, then add up their probabilities.

  1. 0.5

This is a discrete random variable. So you need to find the cases for X>2.1, and add up the probabilities of those cases.

There are two possible values for X>2.1: X=3 and X=4.

Hence the probability is f(3)+f(4)=0.2+0.3 =0.5